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Workplace Paperplane

Pintexx Workplace
Secure, independent, cost effective

Workplace Support

Downloads, documentation, news and guides

The Workplace Suppport page page contains important information on new features, updates, extensions and downloads. Furthermore, you can find instructions on how to install and use Pintexx Workplace in the Documentation chapter. If you have any questions or need individual support or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to provide further assistance.

News on Workplace-Updates und innovations

Sep | 2022 Pintexx Workplace 4.0 available

Jul | 2022 Pintexx Workplace is online - Relaunch of Website


The Download area provides you with the latest versions of Workplace and Workplace products, patches, updates and demo versions.


Workplace Demo

For Workplace newcomers or companies interested in Workplace, we offer a fully comprehensive demo version to help you become familiar with all functions and features.

Workplace Demo

Documentation & Help

Concepts, white papers and documentation about Pintexx Workplace including online manual about installation and application.

Workplace documentation

Pintexx Shop

Our Pintexx Shop offers you current hardware components including thin clients and other products related to the expansion of your Workplace environment.

Pintexx Shop

Online Flyer

Browse Pintexx Workplace Brochure online for a quick overview.
